Photo of the Day: Checkmates

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9:59 PM HKT, Fri September 14, 2018

Our Photo of the Day series this week shares works from photographer Pavel Dvorak. Of this shot, he says:

In each country that I visit, I like their specific parts of the day. In China, it is definitely the mornings — and those rainy mornings are my absolute favorite. With light rain, the taste of nostalgia together with beautiful colors fall down on Shanghai. Such is the case in this picture, where two locals took to the street with their Chinese chess [a different, albeit similar game to the Western version]. I imagine that it must be really relaxing playing the game, drinking tea and enjoying fresh air after the rain.

Pavel is a Slovak content creator based in Shanghai. He moved to China in 2009 after receiving a double major in Chinese culture-language in Czech Republic. He organizes cross-cultural business events and recently began taking his business clients beyond the big cities and out to off-the-beaten-path adventures. Pavel’s works have been published in various media internationally, and awarded at the International Movie Festival Karlovy Vary. You can check out Pavel’s website here.

If you’d like to take over RADII’s Photo of the Day series for a week with your shots, please get in touch with us here.

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