Photo of the day: 200 Days on a Fake Moon

This week’s photo theme is Reddish Heavens: a smear of red/orange/pink hue muddling the horizon, real or imagined…

Today’s image, which may be kind of a stretch but that we think looks cool regardless, comes from China Daily, who report:

Two men and two women volunteered and spent 200 days in a simulated space lab in Beijing, setting a world record for the longest stay in a self-contained “cabin.”

The biomedicine students from Beihang University, the second group of volunteers staying in Yuegong-1, also known as Lunar Palace 1, completed the second phase of its 365-day on-ground experiment Friday.

The first group of volunteers, who had previously stayed in the cabin for 60 days, re-entered the cabin Friday to the replace the second group, starting the third and final phase which will last 105 days.

The experiment was designed to see how the Bioregenerative Life Support System (BLSS), in which animals, plants and microorganisms co-exist, works in a lunar environment, as well as the physical and mental conditions of humans in such an environment.

Neat. For wider context, read Newsweek’s story on China’s preparations to become the first country to complete a lunar landing on the far side of the moon by the end of this year.

Cover image: China Daily

Photo of the day: Beijing Sunset

This week’s photo takeover comes from digital media artist and Radii contributor Kadallah Burrowes. 东游记 Journey to the East is a series of photos captured while traveling through China in the summer of 2015.

Flew back to the states for a week to give a design presentation at the Microsoft Headquarters. Returned to 北京 (Beijing) to live like a local with a close friend. Got to immerse myself in 798 and see the city through a whole new light after my travels.

Photo of the day: Sichuan Sustainable Farm

This week’s photo takeover comes from digital media artist and Radii contributor Kadallah Burrowes. 东游记 Journey to the East is a series of photos captured while traveling through China in the summer of 2015.

Back to the farm, but not just any farm. In 龙兴 (Longxing) WWOOFed in a location with greenhouses, an aquaponics system, a restaurant, a summer camp, and animal pens. Lived super sustainably for a few weeks before heading into 成都 (Chengdu) to see friends and sightsee at 乐山大佛 (Leshan Buddha Mountain).

Photo of the day: Xinjiang Camels

This week’s photo takeover comes from digital media artist and Radii contributor Kadallah Burrowes. 东游记 Journey to the East is a series of photos captured while traveling through China in the summer of 2015.

One of the most life changing experiences I’ve ever had. Stayed on a 农家乐 (family farm) in 石河子 (Shehezi) before crashing in 乌鲁木齐 (Wulumuqi) for a few days. Didn’t just make friends here, made family. Also got to galavant around a desert park riding camels, horses, ATVs and learning archery. Everyone should sleep in a yert at some point in their life.

Photo of the day: Hohhot Temple

This week’s photo takeover comes from digital media artist and Radii contributor Kadallah Burrowes. 东游记 Journey to the East is a series of photos captured while traveling through China in the summer of 2015.

An unedited shot from inside a temple in the gorgeous Inner Mongolia. After the vegetarian commune, it was a change of pace up North. In one, meal I had everything from cow tongue and camel, to a drink similar to milk tea that had meat chunks instead of tapioca balls. Crazy couch surfing experiences here, met a man traveling around the world and a woman determined to backpack between every province in China.

Photo of the day: Phoenix Hills Commune

This week’s photo takeover comes from digital media artist and Radii contributor Kadallah Burrowes. 东游记 Journey to the East is a series of photos captured while traveling through China in the summer of 2015.

Throughout the summer, I wanted to get a different view of China, so I arranged to WWOOF in a number of provinces. The first place was an amazing vegetarian commune right outside of Beijing. Totally changed my perception of farm to table after picking vegetables in the afternoon and eating them for dinner.