Cardi B Was Featured on a Shenzhen News Station and Her Reaction is Going Viral in China

US rapper Cardi B is blowing up on Chinese social media after she dropped an Instagram video with the caption, “BITCH I DEAD DONE MADE IT IN THE CHINESE NEWS !”

In the viral video the “Bodak Yellow” rapper can be seen celebrating the fact that a previous Instagram post in which she talks about her fears over Covid-19 made it onto a news segment on Shenzhen Satellite TV.

Cardi was featured on the Guangdong-based TV channel after she released a video late last week reacting to the novel coronavirus outbreak, in which she talked about stock market crashes, stocking up on food and moving to Antarctica, among other things.

The hashtag #CardiB炫耀自己登上中国新闻#, which translates to “Cardi B shows off about being on Chinese news” has, as of publication time, been read 1.2 billion times on microblogging site Weibo.

The rapper also took to Twitter to address the fact that she is going viral in China, while taking the opportunity to lowkey put out a call for wig connections in the country. Cardi, we got you.

Cardi B hasn’t been afraid to express her fears over Covid-19, releasing a series of short videos in which she rants about the consequences of the outbreak around the globe, striking a chord with fans who share similar fears.

Update: Cardi B continues to trend on Chinese social media after she posted a new video in which she declared “I want no smoke with the Chinese” following Trump’s designation of Covid-19 as “the Chinese virus.” Some netizens have even begun jokingly wondering whether Cardi will apply for membership of the Chinese Communist Party, with Higher Brothers’ Psy P posting “Have you filled out your Party membership application yet?” in response to the video.

Help Promote #LoveOverFear with RADII’s Special Instagram Filter

With thousands of cases worldwide, novel coronavirus (Covid-19) continues to have repercussions around the globe. Scenes of facemasked citizens, hazmat suits in hospitals, and exhausted, under-resourced medical staff have unfortunately become commonplace in the news. Meanwhile, in addition to being a very real medical emergency, the virus’ spread is also impacting communities in other, unexpected ways. Unfortunately, one consequence of the fear surrounding the virus has been a spike in anti-Asian sentiment and xenophobia.

So what can we do? Here’s how you can make a difference — be it through donations or simply through showing solidarity with those affected.

Share #LoveOverFear

In order to refocus the attention on the victims of the virus and help combat xenophobia, we want to call on everyone’s support to reach out to your loved ones and remind each other that discrimination is not the answer. Love is stronger than fear, and people who are facing grave epidemics deserve support, not hatred.

As medical masks have become a symbol of the coronavirus worldwide, we chose this vehicle to deliver the message. We’ve developed an Instagram filter that exemplifies these ideas so that you can show solidarity even if you don’t have the means to support financially.

We hope that you can use the filter to help remind others of what you stand for, share something you love about Asian cultures and show that decisions matter, that you have chosen #LoveOverFear.

Where to Donate

Knowing which organizations are reliable and reputable when it comes to donations can sometimes be tricky. Here are three we recommend:

UNICEF is tackling the global health emergency by sending supplies and support to fight the coronavirus in the East Asia and Pacific region. They guarantee that less than 3% of funds go to administrative costs and the organisation is focusing on saving and protecting vulnerable children.

Heart2Heart International is procuring critical personal protective equipment to prevent infections from spreading further. Donations will go towards masks, gowns and other specialized equipment. They’re working with partners throughout China as well as the WHO to assess medical needs.

GlobalGiving’s Coronavirus Relief Fund aims to “bring services to affected communities and help stop the virus’s spread.” Funds raised will go towards both immediate needs such as healthcare, food, and water and “to support longer-term education and recovery efforts run by local, vetted organizations in affected regions” as the situation develops.

“Overcome This Obstacle, Just Like Gump!”: China Weighs in on Tom Hanks, NBA Coronavirus Diagnoses

As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to spread, the rest of the world beyond China has been forced to reckon with the virus.

That spread yielded some unexpected victims, including America’s collective father Tom Hanks, and the entirety of the 2020 NBA season.

Hanks posted a warm message to his supporters alongside a photo of a medical glove, a nod to his habit of posting lone gloves on Instagram.

Hanks’ son Chet also confirmed in an Instagram video that both his father and mother Rita Wilson had been diagnosed, but did not have severe symptoms.

Immediately, comments poured in expressing sympathy for the couple and wishing them a speedy recovery on Weibo, China’s Twitter.

User 三点三横一竖202002 commented in a thread, “I hope they can recover soon. I hope that all patients around the world will recover soon.”

Tom Hanks Weibo comment

“I hope everyone can overcome this obstacle, just like Gump!” Sina Sports wrote in their post about the news.

Elsewhere, another major blow landed as Utah Jazz players Rudy Gobert and Donovan Mitchell tested positive for the coronavirus on Wednesday.

Immediately after Gobert was diagnosed, the NBA announced that it would suspend the remainder of the season. The loss of box office sales is projected to cost the NBA over $1 billion dollars. Currently, all teams who have recently played the Jazz, as well as all teammates, officials, and referees, are being monitored for infection.

#MitchellTestsPositiveForCoronavirus shot to the top of Weibo’s trending list. So far, the hashtag has 846.7 million hits.

Rudy Gobart Tom Hanks

Image credit to Weibo user MUHO幕后篮球

The top-voted stories discuss Gobert’s nonchalant attitude towards the virus, continuing to touch his teammates despite feeling ill. Gobert can be seen in a press conference jokingly sweeping his hands on the microphones in front of him.

Netizens are reacting with humor and disbelief, warning people that the virus is not to be taken lightly.

In a highly-upvoted comment, 柯基汉堡 writes: “Gobert is really evil ?…now Mitchell is done for.”

On the subject of the NBA suspension, user 楚萍微客 commented, “A lot of people’s wallets are shrinking. But there’s nothing to do about it — the pandemic is coming, and health is more important than competition.”

Just For Luck: How Does Young China View Classic Superstition?

“Want to know why unlucky youths today are working hard? Just look at their phones!” This comment on Chinese social media platform Weibo caused a debate over the merits of millennials turning to their phones in the hopes of improving their fortunes.

On Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao, phone case makers claim to “make evil spirits retreat,” “give luck,” or “make one rich.” The discussion topic lured the interest of over 4.5 million netizens at the time, some going as far as to vehemently testify that certain phone cases are interlinked with feng shui — which, one 2015 article claims, is “not superstition,” but rather a reminder to “pay attention to the health of one’s wealth.”

Phone cases promising “wealth” and “good luck” (images: Taobao)

It’s a concept that certainly has legs among China’s upwardly mobile millennials. As economic opportunity has increased, the expectations placed especially on only children — products of China’s now defunct one-child policy — to achieve financial stability and success have increasingly piled on.

25-year-old Liu, a graduate of Xiamen University who prefers to be identified by her surname and now works in a fast-paced e-commerce company in Shanghai, mixes her personal phone case superstition with a dash of pragmatism. “I always make sure I have 100RMB [about 14USD] tucked behind my phone case, as this will bring me luck and reassures me that even on bad days, I have something tucked away,” she says. “The money becomes a sort of symbol of hope, and since I always have my phone, I always carry this hope. Plus it’s also useful in case of emergencies, such as if my phone runs out of battery, and I have no means to pay for anything.”

“The money becomes a sort of symbol of hope, and since I always have my phone, I always carry this hope.”

What superstition is in China and how it is embedded in language, culture and daily behaviors can seem obscure to the non-Chinese eye. Tales of real estate lawsuits due to bad feng shui, of elderly passengers lobbing coins into plane engines, of buildings without a fourth floor, or even the CCP blaming folk beliefs around goats for a drop in the nation’s birth rate — are not unheard of. But though these news stories might say otherwise, superstitious behavior isn’t solely limited to the elderly — much of China’s youth cling to aspects of it as well.


A nationwide survey conducted in 2002, implicating 30 provinces of adults aged 18-69, found that the proportion of the public concerned with “destiny, supernatural powers and mysterious phenomena” remains “quite high,” though many completing the survey also admitted they “didn’t know” or were “unclear.” State newspaper People’s Daily attributed the high numbers to a “lack of scientific spirit,” and advocated for offering some kind of “atheistic education for young people.”

When talking to Chinese millennials and Generation Z almost two decades later, many seem to have the same mentality. Young professionals bustling around China’s first tier cities as readily rely on promises relayed from star signs to help with blind dates and job interviews. A 2017 survey from the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center showed that 70.3% out of over 2,000 respondents said they knew “many people” who liked having a horoscope culture as part of their life. 52.5% of respondents said that they hoped to better “know themselves” by reading horoscopes, and 42.5% simply do so “out of curiosity.”

But though these stories might say otherwise, superstitious behavior isn’t solely limited to the elderly — much of China’s youth cling to aspects of it as well.

James, a 14-year-old student at an elite independent school in Beijing, says he is only superstitious when it suits him. Due to his misfortune when gaming with his friends, he considers himself somewhat unlucky. To help boost his chances, he will wish to Chow Yun-fat, the renowned Hong Kong-born movie star who lives a humble life in spite of his estimated 714 million USD net worth. James says his friends see Chow as a sort of god-like figure, and that the sheer amount of respect they have for him renders their behavior in worshiping him justified.

Social scientists affirm that superstition originated to help people to cope with uncertainty and anxiety in their lives; Indian social scientist Fatik Baran Mandal writes that it is especially “prevalent in conditions of absence of confidence, insecurity, fear and threat, stress and anxiety.” If this is indeed the case, one such anecdote apposite for China is the academic demands faced by school children right until their University admission — and even then, chances of admission into somewhere like Tsinghua University stand at less than 2%.

One side effect is that entrepreneurs are looking to cash in — and not only by selling lavish, lucky phone cases. The feudal superstition industry seems to be booming; for fortune telling, membership of the Yuanhenglizheng Fortune-telling Forum has swelled from 50,000 in 2003 to more than 600,000 today. Lucky numbers are still very much at the forefront of public consciousness; the Beijing Olympics began at 8:08pm on August 8th, 2008 and only last year, Chinese investors bought a Sydney skyscraper for 88,888,888USD.

Internet trends also demonstrate how these ancient superstitions are being recaptured by the younger generation. The “koi disaster relief” phenomenon is just an example, referring to the belief that sending digital koi fish can help divert disasters and misfortunes, and bring good luck.


These lucky koi fish are said to live “in the boundless wishing pool”, which is considered the top-tier of good luck in the Chinese internet world. A 2017 article on Chinese article platform Sohu asserts that though many people who forwarded koi fish to others did not really think it would work at the time, “everyone did it, and they never tired of it.” Pink dolphins and cats of different colors have since emerged as trendy additions to the lucky koi fish.

A 27-year-old mother of two named Lili, who lives in an upmarket residential neighborhood in Shanghai, says: “I send koi fish to my friends as I believe it’s nice to show support and care for others. It’s not that I believe the fish will bring them fortune directly, but it sends a symbol, and this symbol can make them feel loved and valued.” Lili also flashes her Co-star horoscope app, which she says she reads daily to guide her decision-making when she is uncertain about something.

“We rely on Co-star for a sense of meaning and understanding in our day-to-day lives.”

Co-star is an AI-driven app that generates user’s astrological charts based on the exact date, time and place of birth. As of mid-2019, the app had close to five million users. For Lili, “nearly all the young mothers in this neighborhood have the Co-star app,” but adds that those over 35, not so much. “When our husbands read the news daily, we read Co-star,” she says. “We rely on it for a sense of meaning and understanding in our day-to-day lives.”

Yet paradoxically, superstition (or mixin 迷信 in Mandarin Chinese) is still seen as somewhat of a dirty word, with connotations of rural backwardness. Online articles covering topics like feng shui or “sitting the month” (zuo yuezi 坐月子) often hurry to justify their position as “science-based,” even if the practices are entirely rooted in folk tradition.


24-year-old Louis, who was educated in the U.S. and now works as a UX designer, is somewhat impartial. “I feel like superstitious people in general may have a big confirmation bias,” he says, referring to the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories. He sees a difference between people in his generation “religiously following horoscopes — which if you look at the description of each Chinese zodiac sign, there are overlaps,” and following other ancient Chinese traditions such as drinking hot water when you are sick, that he thinks happen to involve a degree of superstition.

Beyond trivial pursuits for better grades, online gaming luck and elaborate phone cases, superstitious behaviors can still be seen throughout China’s young demographic. In light of a surge in media coverage defining millennials as “stressed, depressed and exam-obsessed,” it makes sense that superstition can be one of the most comforting means for young people to cope with various environmental pressures — whether through lucky phone cases, sending koi fish or relying on an app.

Header image: Mayura Jain

Wǒ Men Podcast: One Man’s Beijing Business Struggles in the Face of Covid-19

The Wǒ Men Podcast is a discussion of life in China hosted by Yajun Zhang, Jingjing Zhang and Karoline Kan. Previous episodes of the Wǒ Men Podcast can be found here, and you can subscribe to Wǒ Men on iTunes here.

As China continues to deal with novel coronavirus Covid-19, it’s clear that this crisis wasn’t only a test of China’s governance and public health system, but also a test of the resilience of many businesses in the country, particularly small and medium enterprises. What are the biggest challenges they are facing and what kind of measures can be taken to keep them in business?

For this episode, we talked to Benjamin Devos, the owner and CEO of the first French bakery in Beijing, Comptoirs de France Bakery. He shared with us the perilous challenges his business is now facing and some of the tough decisions he has had to make after 15 years of running a business in China.

Listen below on Mixcloud, or find Wǒ Men on iTunes here.

A small community in Beijing has launched a crowdsourcing campaign to support the Comptoirs de France Bakery and the local business it represents. If you want to contribute, please hit that link for more details.

AO3 Xiao Zhan Drama Sparks High-Stakes War in Boys’ Love Fandom

Fanfiction site Archive of Our Own, or AO3, has been blocked by Chinese censors after a mass reporting attack by fans of actor Sean Xiao (aka Xiao Zhan), star of “boys’ love” TV series The Untamed. The site was also a long-held haven for Chinese writers of explicit and erotic fiction and of LGBTQ+ stories.

The incident, which is currently trending on social media platform Weibo, needs a little context to understand.

In China, it’s illegal to distribute porn and erotic literature online, while tolerance of LGBTQ+ material by online portals is extremely low. AO3 was used as a place to host steamier works, a safer and more international portal, away from the prying eyes of state censors.


The conflict stems from The Untamed, a hit TV series based on a magical novel in the “boys’ love” sub-genre. While the show is less explicit about the romance between its two male leads, some fans used A03 to “enhance” some of these storylines and supplement them with their own. Fans of the actors (Sean Xiao and Wang Yibo), were not happy about such stories, taking particular umbrage at one that imagined Xiao as a sex worker experiencing gender dysphoria.

Some Xiao fans thus organized a coordinated assault against the website, posting instructions that encouraged others how to report AO3 and LOFTER (China’s equivalent of Tumblr) for unlawful and homoerotic content.

Unfortunately, it seems that the spiteful act has yielded results. AO3 is now blocked in China, leaving a massive base of displaced fanfiction authors and readers. In turn, that community has started to launch similar attacks against Xiao’s fanbase.


The whole thing is a huge and unnecessary mess, and the fan who organized the assault has admitted to working with Sean Xiao’s management team in order to control the situation on Weibo.

As if that weren’t enough, Crest toothpaste has removed its usual Weibo image featuring Xiao, replacing it with an older shot featuring Lu Han. Drama!!