Shenzhen Maker Naomi Wu Featured on Cover of Make: Magazine

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1:16 PM HKT, Wed January 17, 2018 1 mins read

San Francisco-based magazine Make: recently announced its first issue of 2018, which comes with a cover story on Shenzhen maker Naomi Wu:

With this, Make: is following up on a promise made by magazine founder Dale Dougherty in November as an apology for previously doubting the veracity of Wu’s identity and the authorship of her work. As we wrote at the time:

After continuing to claim Wu wasn’t real, over several tweets and direct messages, support for Wu came from various people, including American engineer Andrew “Bunnie” Huang, who published a lengthy blog post about the situation.

Unfortunately, the damage had been done to Wu’s reputation despite Dougherty issuing a lukewarm apology on November 6. In questioning her credibility — even her existence as a person — Dougherty did a huge amount of damage to Wu’s reputation, sponsorship and business opportunities.

It wasn’t until this past Sunday that Dougherty issued a more meaningful apology. In it, he pledged that Make: magazine would feature Wu’s projects, and that his organization would bring Wu to a US Maker Faire in 2018, covering her visa and travel expenses. Dougherty also pledged to create an advisory board on diversity for Maker Faire.

We’re glad that Make: has made good on its word. Check out Vol. 61 of the magazine — which features the cover profile on Wu along with an article on other members of the Shenzhen maker community — right here. And if you’d like to find more of Naomi Wu’s work online, this looks like a good place to start:

Cover image:

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