Seminal Japanese animated film Spirited Away is set to officially show in Chinese cinemas for the first time, 19 years after it was initially released. The movie is one of a number of Studio Ghibli titles from director Hayao Miyazaki finally making their debuts in Chinese theaters, “mostly to long-standing political tension between China and Japan” thawing somewhat according to SCMP.
In honor of the release, Spirited Away has been given a new China poster, courtesy of artist Zao Dao:
My Neighbor Totoro was the first Studio Ghibli film to get a major release in China when it ran in theaters late last year, 30 years after it was first made. Shanghai has had an official Studio Ghibli store since 2016 and many anime fans are intimately familiar with the works despite their absence from cinemas, thanks to piracy and online discussions.
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