We’re Holding a Happy Hour and You’re Invited

Join our inner circle at the all-new UNIBROWN Café in Shanghai this weekend to learn more about RADII and how you can get involved.

The event will be a chance to meet some of the people behind RADII over free-flow drinks and we’ll also be revealing details of our competition to win a pair of VIP tickets to Ultra Music Festival.

Registration is required in advance of the event, so RSVP via the form at the bottom of this post, through our WeChat (radiichina or scan the QR code below), or drop us a line at [email protected] to confirm your place now.

When? Saturday, March 24, 6pm-9pm

Where? UNIBROWN – 由心咖啡
570 Yongjia Lu, near Yueyang Lu 永嘉路570号,靠近岳阳路

Our partners

Founded in 2015, UNIBROWN is China’s first chain boutique brand that integrates premium quality coffee, business services, shared meeting and arts spaces and community activities all under the same roof. With one boutique shop on Yongjia Lu and six locations in office buildings across Shanghai, UNIBROWN’s shared coffee space model goes beyond the norm to grow and bring communities together.

Shanghai Creative Collective (SCC) is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 by a group of creative professionals on a mission to build an easy-to-access, multi-channel platform to connect and engage with other creative professionals. They have the goal to elevate Shanghai’s creative industries on a global scale. SCC organizes bi-monthly events called MADNESS, where creatives gather to discuss different topics, mingle and exchange ideas.

Brandnographer™ is an insight consultancy specializing in ethnography, design research and innovation. Powered by design thinking, our Brandnographers keep digging in the field to nurture most fruitful business outcome.

Inspired by the beaches and favelas of Brazil, Barraco brings the best caipirinha to Shanghai with a little Latin flavor and good vibes.


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Join Us!

RADII is growing, and we’re looking to fill a number of positions on our dynamic team. Click the link below to find out more:

We’re also keen to hear from you if you have any feedback or would like to contribute a story to RADII. Fill out the below form and let us know your thoughts:

Photo of the day: Cecilia’s Pointe Shoes

This week’s photo series is “CELEBRATE WOMEN” — directed by Nicole Chan, with support from other talented photographers. Women respond to the question “What empowers you?” in these raw, minimalist portraits.

“My dance shoes empower me because they support me when I dance, extending my strength and giving me the confidence to present myself before others. They also enable me to communicate with others in another way, expressing my emotions through dance movements. They encourage me to explore my potential, and give me power.”

Cecilia Cai, photographed by Daisy Qianyi Chen, Shanghai, China, 2018

Follow the series on Instagram @celebratewomenseries

A Snapshot From “New Era” Beijing

This has not been one of my better China weeks. The Cycle of China Funk (Pour one out for “Talk Talk China”) buckled under the weight of Xi Jinping exultation and stringent new security measures. These measures are meant to protect National People’s Congress delegates on their way to and from the Great Hall of the People but many suspect they are just another way to suck what is left of “fun” out of Beijing.

For the record, I think the security measures are reasonable given that almost every star in the Chinese political firmament who hasn’t (yet) been incarcerated or chased into exile by General Secretary Xi Jinping is here in the city. That it is also sucking what is left of the “fun” out of Beijing I’m sure is just a nice bonus for the powers that be. A little extra taint tickle for the boys at the Ministry of State Security as they’re forced to swallow a giant wad of bullshit memoranda about security risks to the Motherland. You know, like foreign students, and beer pong, and the Chinese constitution.

While the Party proceeds to eat the apparatus of government like some unholy cross between the Ouroboros and a human centipede, and Xi Jinping steers the ship of state into uncharted waters, my Twitter Feed and (for a nanosecond) my WeChat feed were all about an eye-rolling millennial journalist. She made quite an impression, and I am sure is as I write this she is either on her way to a coal mine in the dankest part of Shanxi Province or a three-year journalism fellowship at Columbia depending on which shady government organization got to her first.

It’s been that kind of week.

The coverage of the NPC and the vote to end term limits for the title of State Chairman has set off a somewhat predictable circle jerk online. State media, including Hu Xijin, who on Twitter has vacillated wildly between “Kissing a little party ass” and “Full-fledged Coprophagia,” have of course fallen in line with the idea that the constitutional change. To the initiated, this change represents the will of the people and is essential for “ensuring the prosperity and long-term stability of the Party and the country, and enhancing China’s influence in the international arena.”

That’s fine as far as it goes. Although one suspects that if the will of the people was as important as everybody says it is there might be a little less energy spent shutting down any discussion of the proposed constitutional change, but whatever…it’s China, I get it.

On the other side of my Twitter feed are international observers breathlessly comparing Xi to every tyrant this side of Voldemort. I understand the impulse.

One reason so many folks want to put Xi in the context of a “New Mao” or “New Emperor” is that it is easier for us to understand things in terms of (reasonably familiar) past paradigms than to face the very real possibility that what is happening here is something new which we do not yet understand.

Whatever Xi Jinping plans to do, he’s not looking to Mao or the Qianlong Emperor or Vladimir Putin for inspiration. He wants to be his own demagogue, and he’s earned that right.

Xi is also getting ready for his close-up. I was out walking the dog yesterday in our apartment compound and saw a sign “inviting” all of the party members in the neighborhood to a showing of the slick propaganda epic “Amazing China.”

If you haven’t seen “Amazing China” because you’ve been too busy catching up on your work report readings or watching Black Panther, it’s a montage of impressive infrastructure achievements, happy folks, and wise leaders. It’s actually not too different in tone or style from a campaign ad in US elections… I mean, if the people watching “Amazing China” were allowed to vote and stuff.

If you’re drinking along with “Amazing China” at home, here’s the game: Every time a member of a non-Han nationality proclaims a love the party… drink. Every time Xi Jinping drops platitudinous prose from his latest book… drink. Every time you see a train… drink double. Trust me when I tell you there is no way if you play this game you’re making it to the end of the full-length version and I’d take even odds that most folks will be puking on themselves and proclaiming carnal love to a ficus plant by the first intermission. It’s pretty thick.

My mood has also not been helped this week by messages received from friends both inside and outside China. These are smart people I trust who used to write wise-ass things like “You’re still there, huh?” and “Last one to leave turn out the lights!” but are now more prone to writing in all CAPS LOCK shrill warnings like “ANYBODY WHO CAN GET OUT SHOULD!” and “RUN, MOTHERFUCKER, RUN!”

Yeah, maybe it’s time. Walk out into Gulou Dongdajie, pull out a Zippo, and light my visa on fire in a ritualistic orgy of righteous fury and board a plane.

Nah, it’s a new era. Or at least so I am told.


In-text photo by Jeremiah Jenne

Cover photo from “Amazing China”

Photo of the day: Zhao Yan’s Outfit

This week’s photo series is “CELEBRATE WOMEN” — directed by Nicole Chan, with support from other talented photographers. Women respond to the question “What empowers you?” in these raw, minimalist portraits.

“My clothes empower me because they make me realize that human beings can not only be driven by fears and desires. While selecting the perfect clothes or mix-and-match, all my efforts are driven by creativity, which keeps reminding me of who I am and who I wanna be.”

Yan Zhao, photo by Cindy Hu, Shanghai, China, 2018

Follow the series on Instagram @celebratewomenseries

Wǒ Men Podcast: Condescension, Support, and Dialogue on International Women’s Day

On March 8th, International Women’s Day, Wǒ Men Podcast hosts Jingjing and Yajun were invited to two different panels to discuss women’s issues and how men can better support their female partners. They both learnt a lot and were inspired by the debates.

On this episode (listen below), they share key takeaways from the panel discussions.


They also express their strong “resentment” toward the Chinese translation of Women’s Day (“三八妇女节”) — and they are not the only ones. After hearing of a female friend’s experience of being invited to speak at four panels on March 8th, they cannot help thinking that it is great that this day reminds everyone that women’s issues are important, but that — more importantly — the conversation should continue for the other 364 days of the year.

Last but not least, they also want to highlight the importance of inviting men into the discussion of women’s issues and having a mutual conversation which will help us all to understand where each side is coming from. So if any gentlemen are passionate about women’s issues, please reach out!

Previous episodes of the Wǒ Men podcast can be found here, and you can find Wǒ Men on iTunes here.

Have thoughts or feedback to share? Want to join the discussion? Write to Yajun and Jingjing at [email protected].