Restoring Jiankou, Part of the “Wild” Great Wall

About nine years ago, a few friends of mine had the idea of leading hikes and camping trips up to one of the unrestored — i.e. “wild” — sections of the Great Wall, called Jiankou. Translated as “Arrow’s Nock,” it’s located north of Beijing, built on jagged cliffs and ridges during the late years of the Ming Dynasty in the 17th century. Due to its steepness and the fact that many parts are in disrepair, it attracts far fewer visitors than other parts of the Wall, such as the tourist-friendly Mutianyu section about six miles to the east. I went with them once, navigating precipitous stairs overlooking mountains and valleys and taking in some of the most breathtaking scenery Beijing has to offer.

Of course, it was also dangerous. Not too long before our trip, a couple of hikers had died there, leading villagers to caution all passersby. This part of the Wall has never been officially “open” to the public. Although what that actually means isn’t exactly clear, what is true is that Jiankou isn’t for everybody, certainly not the old or young who would, for instance, have trouble going up or down these stairs at a 75-degree incline:

I wonder if all that will soon change, thanks to restorations happening as we speak.

Reuters published a story yesterday called Rebuilding the Great Wall of China, featuring several stunning photographs of local efforts — which began in 2005 — to restore Jiankou. I know what you’re thinking: they’re going to ruin it. But I’m willing to withhold judgment for now: reportedly, only basic tools are being used, such as chisels, hammers, pickaxes and shovels, and pack mules are employed to transport bricks that are made to “exacting specifications.”

“We have to stick to the original format, the original material and the original craftsmanship, so that we can better preserve the historical and cultural values,” said Cheng Yongmao, the engineer leading Jiankou’s restoration.

Cheng, 61, who has repaired 17 km (11 miles) of the Great Wall since 2003, belongs to the 16th generation in a long line of traditional brick makers.

It’s possible that the government has learned from past mistakes. Just last year, for instance —

Authorities in the northeastern province of Liaoning, home to a 700-year-old section of the wall, paved its ramparts with sand and cement, resulting in what critics said looked more like a pedestrian pavement.

Soon after those disastrous repairs, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage said it would investigate any improperly executed wall preservation projects.

Of course, if this goes as planned, Jiankou will no longer be the quiet, remote site whose desolate beauty so impressed me when I visited in 2009. Tourists will come, you can bet on that (as they have in increasing numbers every year since the start of my friends’ now-defunct business). I’m not exactly dismayed, because in China good things are never kept secret for long. But I am growing a little wistful.

Rebuilding the Great Wall of China [Reuters] … the pictures above are all mine.



Toothpick Crossbow “Toy” Popular in China Looks Dangerous as Hell

A miniature crossbow that can shoot toothpicks (or needles) at alarming speeds is being passed around by Chinese primary and middle schoolers, causing parents to question how these projectile weapons can be marketed as toys.

They might have a point this time:

Spitballs in a straw, those are not. These can put out an eye.

In the news report below, experts were able to launch needles at speeds of 159 miles per hour. These miniature quarrels can fly up to five meters, and lodge finger-deep into hunks of meat.

They’re selling on some online stores for as low as 14.5 RMB, which is just over two dollars.

There are more expensive models, of course, including what looks like a miniature ballista:

As a postscript, I have to relay this story from a colleague of ours, who saw an older man brandishing a miniature crossbow in public. He was a husky fellow standing in a subway train with a crossbow in hand. As she recounts, other standing passengers kept a safe distance from him. As the doors opened, he raised the crossbow to chest level, because he’s a sociopath. Everyone let him off first before attempting to board themselves.

So, yeah. Ban these things.

Mobile Pay is Ubiquitous in China, as This Beggar Knows All Too Well

Alipay and WeChat — the two largest mobile payment platforms in China, owned by Alibaba and Tencent, respectively — are truly ushering in a cashless society. They are to Chinese commerce as the credit card is to middle-class American shopping, only better — there are no bills to pay, no need to worry about late-payment penalties or minimum balances. I find myself going weeks, even months, without withdrawing from the ATM.

China has 780 million smartphone users, and its consumers reportedly sent $2.9 trillion — trillion, with a T — through these two services last year. Meanwhile, the number of WeChat users slowly creeps toward a billion:

Between Alipay and WeChat, you can pay all utilities, top up your mobile phone, call cabs or Didi drivers (Chinese Uber), pay for cabs, pay for groceries, pay deliverymen, pay barbers, pay bar tabs, split restaurant bills, pay escorts (…I dunno, probably), basically do everything.

Let’s go to the video, shall we?

A beggar approaches a car window holding a big tin bowl, so oversized as to seem cartoonish, like a prop.

The driver has seen this before. She waves her hand and says, “I don’t have any change, I don’t have any change. None of us have change.”

She’s barely finished talking before the beggar has, from his inner breast pocket, produced a laminated sheet with two QR codes: one for Alipay, one for WeChat.

“Damn!” snorts the person behind the camera.

“Hand me my phone,” the driver laughs.

What a world we live in.

Youku version of video here.

Shanghai Saw Quite the Sunset Over the Weekend

We were in Shanghai over the weekend for our launch party and got ourselves a peek at this, but That’s Shanghai has an entire roundup of pictures of a tremendous sunset on Saturday. Go check it out.

Basically everyone took a picture:

Think you can do better? Enter our photo contest! Use the hashtag #RadiiPhoto for ease of delivery.

PHOTOS: Saturday’s Sunset in Shanghai Was Magical [That’s Shanghai]

Shanghai Saw Quite the Sunset Over the Weekend

We were in Shanghai over the weekend for our launch party and got ourselves a peek at this, but That’s Shanghai has an entire roundup of pictures of a tremendous sunset on Saturday. Go check it out.

Basically everyone took a picture:

Think you can do better? Enter our photo contest! Use the hashtag #RadiiPhoto for ease of delivery.

PHOTOS: Saturday’s Sunset in Shanghai Was Magical [That’s Shanghai]

Picture of the Day: Latticed

A street worker peers beyond the latticed light on a winter’s day in Beijing.

Reminder: we’re currently taking photos for our inaugural photo contest, themed “The Place We Live.” How do you see China? Please send up to three photos to [email protected] or tweet it out / Instagram with the hashtag #RadiiPhoto. The grand prize is a meeting with Chen Man (plus cash).