
‘Dopamine Dressing’ is Taking Off in China

Gen-Z and millennials in China are embracing the 2022 fashion trend, characterized by bold colors, intricate patterns, and a sense of fun

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8:34 AM HKT, Sat June 3, 2023

A breakout fashion trend in 2022, ‘dopamine dressing’ took a while to land in China. Now though, it’s here in no uncertain terms.

The style is characterized by vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and exaggerated silhouettes, all with the intention of boosting moods and raising dopamine levels.

dopamine dressing

The trend is believed to have first caught on among dopamine-deprived university students in China. From there, the trend started to pick up mainstream popularity, after fashion bloggers, celebrities, and even state-owned media outlets all modeled their own ‘dopamine dressing’ looks.

dopamine dressing

Chinese singer Summer Momoko wearing a ‘dopamine dressing’ look. Image via Weibo

People joined in across the internet, sharing their own dopamine outfits on social media platforms Weibo and Xiaohongshu. The Weibo hashtag for ‘my dopamine dressing’ has racked up over 30 million views; on Xiaohongshu, it’s over 120 million.

dopamine dressing

dopamine dressing

With summer approaching, some people are turning to vibrant clothing as a way to balance out a more rigid work life. Netizens described the style as both “healing” and a “mood enhancer.”

“Colorful, floral attire should dominate the summer! Dopamine dressing genuinely brings about a delightful mood,” reads a Xiaohongshu post.

Another shared on Weibo, “I was a dopamine girl growing up, pink is my favorite color!”

All images via Xiaohongshu unless stated otherwise

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