NBA Player Kyle Anderson Traces His Chinese Roots in Shenzhen

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1:29 AM HKT, Thu August 9, 2018 1 mins read

Memphis Grizzlies forward Kyle Anderson was in Shenzhen recently, tracing some of his Chinese ancestry and dunking on the locals.

Anderson is one eighth Chinese, courtesy of his mother’s grandfather, Li Chongxin, who moved to the US in the early 20th century. But until recently the NBA player, who just transferred to the Grizzlies from San Antonio Spurs, knew little of his Chinese roots.

That changed last week thanks to a cousin of his mother’s who started looking into the family’s Chinese heritage on regular business trips to the country. That research ultimately led to Anderson’s visit to Shenzhen, which was organized by China-focused talent reps Acorn Entertainment. Anderson was joined by his mother Suzanne and girlfriend Crystal in visiting 30 distant relatives in the southern Chinese city, who were introduced to the American party by 70-year-old Li Tianping, the eldest son of Anderson’s great-grandfather’s eldest son.

Cue lots of smiles, some tears, and a few shots of famous rice liquor Moutai. Anderson didn’t mention whether he’d be working the fiery Chinese alcohol into his regular off-season diet but he did talk about feeling “at home” with his long lost relatives and promised to return again next summer.

Here’s some footage from a local TV crew who accompanied Anderson and family:

And here are some more photos from his trip:

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