Photo of the Day: Big Headed Son and Little Headed Dad

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2:22 AM HKT, Tue June 26, 2018

Our photo series this week looks at some of the summer blockbusters set for China’s cinema screens in the next couple of months.

School’s out in China and that means plenty of family-friendly fodder at the cinemas. Well, technically all of the films screened in China are family-friendly thanks to the lack of any ratings system and some heavily-enforced content guidelines, but the summer holidays brings a wave of especially kid-centric movies. Case in point Big Headed Son and Little Headed Dad 3.

Alright, so the official English name for this film is New Happy Dad and Son 3: Adventure in Russia. But that’s a dull cop out presumably based on the makers of this franchise thinking the literal translation would raise some eyebrows overseas. Big Headed Son and Little Headed Dad is a far more accurate interpretation of the name. And look, here are their comparative head sizes:

What else do you really need to know?

This is the third feature-length movie to sprout from what was originally a kids TV series. The previous two have evidently performed well at the box office and we see no reason why this will flop under the weight of expectation/giant heads.

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