TV Presenter Jesper Rönndahl Responds to Chinese Rapper Pissy’s Anti-Sweden Diss Track

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4:47 PM HKT, Wed October 3, 2018

Last week, we told you about a diss track against the entire Kingdom of Sweden from red rap crew CD Rev member Pissy, following a major diplomatic fall-out caused by some Chinese tourists being removed from the lobby of a hotel. If that sounds bizarre, well it is.

Here’s all the background:

Perhaps unsurprisingly, satire show Swedish News, which was called out by Pissy along with presenter Jesper Rönndahl, have responded. Alas, it’s not in kind — we were really hoping for some Swedish rap (presumably they’re running scared in that particular battle). But it does include an apology to the people of China and a little look at Pissy and his CD Rev cohorts.

You can watch it with English subtitles here:

And here’s our own bit on CD Rev if you want more background on the Party rappers:

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